Still sanding the boat – currently using P800 – to be
followed by P1000, P1500 and P2000 wet and dry and then P3000 before I apply
sealant and wax - this is a boring job so a good music sound system really
helps. I’ve just about exhausted my collection of blues music by well known
artists and so I’m moving into more obscure stuff. How did Robert Johnson get
to be so good? Did he really sell his soul at the crossroads or did he just put
in a bit of practice? Or is there a third possibility? Could he have met
someone called Scrapper Blackwell? One certainly seems to have influenced the
other. Such are my musings as I sand and sand and sand and sand to a twelve bar
12/8 shuffle. Anyway, there is only so
much a person can say about sanding – Did you know there are 50 shades of white
as well as 50 Shades of Grey?

So here are a couple of recent happenings from the Rance
estuary where I live. First, a neighbour
of mine has managed to purchase a Cornish Shrimper at a really good price. She
seems to be seaworthy but needs a lot of cosmetic work so now there are two of
us sanding and polishing. Andrew and partner (Stephie) came to dinner the other
evening and both Susan and Stephie were amazed at the amount of time two guys
could spend talking GRP and Gel-coat.
When I say ‘amazed’ please don’t assume they were also ‘impressed’, -
they weren’t.

Second, I had to go to St Malo this week to purchase those
fine sanding discs, the shop was on the quayside, so I took some time to wander
round the boats. I recognized one immediately ‘Giselle’ a Cornish Crabber from
St Helier Jersey. Although I recognized the boat the owner was new to me. It
turns out he had purchased her very recently and this was her maiden voyage
under his command. The crew comprised his wife and a friend. As I write this I
am hoping his luck has changed because when I met him, the trip to date had
been quite eventful. On the upper reaches of the estuary he’d left his friend
in charge of the tiller while he undertook some chores below. The friend is a
musician who thought he could handle the tiller and play a bit of acoustic
blues at the same time. Bad idea - he couldn’t. So he ran aground on the steep
sides of a well marked channel A good deal of weight and equipment had to be
shifted and lots of cushions deployed in an attempt to keep the boat upright on
the falling tide.
Apparently, there was another grounding later in the week
further north in more open waters. If all is going to plan, he will be at sea
now cruising along the northern coast of Brittany. There are fewer sandbanks
here – but lots of rocks – hope he’s OK.
Finally, here's a picture I took recently of Le Foc –
that’s French for a seal. This particular chic lives alone on the Estuary
outside the village of Mordreuc. She seems to love being around people and often
comes to join the sunbathers on the beach. Last year, some caring soul tried to
provide her with a male companion. Was she pleased? Certainly not! She wasn’t
up for sharing the estuary’s supply of bass and mackerel with any other seal no
matter how good looking he may have been. There was a brief skirmish and he was
last seen heading for open water as far away from Mordreuc as he could
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