I had kind of hoped to make a technological leap when I came
to considering what my power needs might be. I already have a handheld GPS and
VHF so I thought I might be able to go for a very simple system, maybe
supported by an Apple I’pad or something
but the more I thought about how I wanted to use the boat and what that meant
for power (in and out) the more complicated it seemed to become, especially for
me who doesn't know the difference between an Amp, and a
I don’t claim to be a fast learner but I do know that if I’m
told something three times (preferably in three different ways) then I have a
chance of understanding and retaining the knowledge. Three books were
particularly useful. You’ll find them listed below. Now I’m living in a country
district in France so its hardly likely that I’m going to put my hands on these
books in my local book store twelve miles away – so thank goodness for the
internet and, for people in similar circumstances, the book titles below are
links to a trusted supplier. If I were to purchase just one of these books it
would be the 12 Volt Bible – but in truth I must confess I needed all three.
I bought mine with the intention of selling them on later
--- in retrospect I think it’s a better idea to keep hold of my copies.
It would be impossible to cram all the information on 12
Volt boat systems into one blog post but here is a very brief synopsis of the
logical steps in system design and the processes you need to go through to get
yourself started.
Essentially you need to consider what kind of sailing you
intend to do and list the electronic equipment you will require:
sounder or fish finder?
VHF Radio?
bilge pump?
water heater and pump?
The list can be as long or as short as you feel you need. To
my list I added a bank of 12 Volt plugs so that I can always plug in additional
equipment or recharge hand held stuff.
The next step is to calculate the ’power drain’ that these items will inflict on your batteries. Careful thought is
required at this stage. The packaging and product information will give you and
idea of how many amps a given piece of equipment will require when in use but
you will have to determine how many hours you are likely to have it turned on
for a given stretch of time. 12 Volt direct current also weakens according
to the distance it has to travel from the power source to the equipment so you
have to accommodate that in your calculation in order to get an idea of the amount of power you
need to be able to store (one battery, two or more!). Thought also needs to be
given to choice of batteries. Automotive (car) batteries can be less than idea
– they are built to provide an enormous power hit over a brief period to start an. Boat equipment however, has a much smaller requirement but
will expect power to be provided over a much longer period. A deep cycle
battery is therefore more useful. Then thought has to be given as to how you
will keep your batteries charged. One way is to use a 24 Volt landline from the
pontoon – but at sea, can you keep the batteries topped up using you boat
engine, or is solar or wind turbine power more appropriate to your needs? Some
would argue that the best idea is to install both systems so that you have an option of any given circumstance. Finally,
you’ll need some mechanism to stop batteries charging when they are full –
otherwise they may overheat. If you are considering a 24 volt recharge
capability why not also think about dockside comfort and opt for a 24 volt
domestic circuit for use while in port?
OK there is a great deal to think about and I’ll let you
know how I get on – but if you’re considering tackling your boat’s electrics
please remember 12 Volts are unlikely to kill you but a badly set up 12 Volt
system can start fires. 24 Volt domestic electricity is always dangerous if it
isn't correctly installed but close to water the dangers multiply enormously.
Here are those books I found most useful:
Author: Miner
Brotherton Revised by E Sherman
Publisher: International
Marine / Mc Graw Hill
ISBN 978-0-07-139233-4
This is a complete introduction to the 12 electrical system
you are probably going to want to use on your boat. It explains how the system
works and how to install maintain and troubleshoot problems. If you are
installing your own system it offers the basic information and it should be
your first port of call for most answers.
Author: John C Payne
Publisher: Sheridan
ISBN 1-57409-163-8
The book is a very practical guide to planning and
installing wiring on your boat. It establishes the standards to which you
should be working, explains electrical principles, circuit protection and
isolation, switchboards and panels, systems for earthing circuits.
Title: Understanding Boat Batteries and Battery Charging
(USA Readers)
Understanding Boat Batteries and Battery Charging
(UK Readers)
Understanding Boat Batteries and Battery Charging
Author: John C Payne
Publisher: Sheridan
ISBN 1-57409-162-X
Whereas the previous book dealt mainly with power
distribution around your boat to drive the electrical systems and equipment on
board, this book explains how to choose and install the sources of that power (the
battery or batteries) and how to keep those storage cells charged and
functioning. I would recommend that this book be read in conjunction with
Understanding Boat Wiring (above).
Finally, thanks to significant correspondence from readers,
it has become clear that many of us are working in remote locations and
that the issue of sourcing materials equipment, tools and information is a
central concern to us all. With this in mind you now find a new Page on this
site : ‘Seaward’s Boatshed’. As time
goes by you will find here a growing list of all the books and tools I have
used and found useful with links to trusted suppliers. In keeping with my own
self imposed site policy explained on the ‘Homepage’ however, you’ll only find
gear listed here that I have found to be reliable and useful. Other gear may be
just as good but if I haven’t had first hand experience of it or if it has let me
down – then I can’t recommend it and you won’t find it listed.
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