Le Gand Jardin Lighthouse St Malo |
So, a good friend of mine Alain Hugues, secured a contract
to deliver Toinoux a 33ft Moody sailing boat
from St Malo to St Valerie en
Caux, a sea voyage of some 180 to 200 nautical miles. He recruited three others
to act a crew, myself, Ken (both English) and Francis (French).
The original plan was to set off on Tuesday 27 September and
enjoy a reasonably leisurely cruise arriving home by car sometime on Saturday
31st at the latest. Things never work out quite as they should do
Le Skipper |
The Boatyard where Toinoux was laid up was closed for the
owner’s annual holiday and was not due to open until the 27th so it
was always unlikely that he would have nothing better to do on his first day
back at work than to move several boats in order to get his launching tractor
near our boat. In the end he agreed to try to get the boat in the water for us
on Thursday 29th. We had a problem however, the tides were neaping
and if he was unsuccessful in launching on the 29th, there would be
insufficient water to launch at all until the following week.
We crossed our fingers, kept an eye on the shipping forecast
and hoped for the best. A 14:00 hours on Thursday, we received news that the
boat had been launched and so we threw 30 euros each into a communal fund and
headed for the local supermarket to purchase supplies for the trip. At 15:30 the
supplies were on board and we headed out down the Rance estuary towards the sea
lock at St Malo and then out into the open sea. All thoughts of a leisurely
cruise were now gone because the neap tides were also having their effect on
our destination. We had a window of only one hour to enter our port of
destination on Saturday. Earlier or later and there would be insufficient water
at the entrance to St Valerie en Caux that day. So, with a 200 mile sea voyage
ahead of us we had to be sure to reach St Valerie no later that 08:30 on
Saturday morning.
We passed through the sea lock at 18:00 on Thursday and
headed straight for sea. We sailed west of the Minquies rocks to gain a clear
northward passage to Guernsey, where we could obtain the cheapest diesel fuel.
From there, our route took us north eastwards through the Channel Islands
archipelago leaving Sark, to the south and Alderney to the north, then
approaching the French coast and running out into the English Channel via the
notorious Alderney Race. From there could run north easterly until we were on
the same latitude as St Valerie, and then easterly in clear water along the
parallel past Cherbourg, Caen, Le Havre, to our destination.
By 08:30 (UK Time) we were leaving St Peter Port with 120
miles to go to our destination. We had to make
the trip in 24 hours to obtain
the depth of water needed to enter St Valerie so regardless of wind or tide we
had to maintain an average speed of 5 knots.
By nightfall, we were well offshore, on schedule and free
from most other shipping except the odd fishing boat and cross channel ferries
entering or leaving the Normandy habours. The wind remained light however and
frustratingly it veered and came from dead astern, the worst possible,
direction of you want to improve your speed.
Ken |
wind in your sail and so what you gain on the one hand you pretty much lose on the other. Given such a light wind, the sea was remarkably lively – fortunately we had a fifth crew member who came to be called George – a GPS Linked autopilot. It soon because obvious that George was a better helmsman than us and so he took over until we were ten minutes away from the harbour entrance.
We arrived at our destination about a half hour earlier than
we needed to despite some anxious moments when the tide or wind seemed to
conspire against us. St Valerie harbour is entered through a gap in the chalk
cliffs. It isn’t a harbour I would wish to enter in heavy weather. The waves
funnel and build through the long narrow entrance and once you are in the
channel there is no room to turn. Once in the harbour, the town is pleasant
enough but I guess that after about 40 hours of non-stop sailing (except for
the brief stop in Guernsey) none of us were feeling energetic enough to take in
all the sights. Coffee and baths, followed by beer food and sleep were the
Toinoux arrived St Valerie en Caux awaiting her new owners |
Memorable moments? Yes several – the evening meal on the
first night on our run up to Guernsey – cold meats and beer for starters, tuna
salad as a main course, with a good red wine, a selection of cheeses and a
Breton cake for desert followed by a strong expresso coffee. Where else but on a
French boat would a crew member ask if you preferred salted or unsalted butter?
The sunsets on both nights were spectacular
A meteor shower as we cruised along the west coast of Jersey
The full English breakfast in Guernesy (just what the doctor
Sunrise among the Islands
Eating lunch in the notorious Alderney Race
Hundreds of Cormorants diving and feasting on a huge shoat
of mackerel north of Cherbourg
An unexplained smell of fried potatoes while at least 30
miles from the nearest land with no other vessel in sight
A copper coloured Milky Way on the second night at sea
–maybe there was a wisp of cloud colouring the sky – but if so it wasn’t thick
enough to obscure stars. Either way, the Milky Way was spectacularly bright and
copper coloured that evening.
A beer at the Local Café back home in Plouer Sur Rance with
my three shipmates after the trip. Plouer is a town steeped in maritime
history, fishing and seafaring, it’s good to think that we’re keeping up the
Finally a comment on the watch system we kept. Each night at
sundown one crew member would keep watch for the first hour and a half. Then
after that time a second crew member would join him for a second trick of one
and a half hours. After three hours the first crew member would go below and a
third crew member would join the remaining lookout for one and a half hours. The
second lookout would retire after three hours in the cockpit and would be relieved
by crew member number four. In effect each crew member spent three hours in the
cockpit and for half of that time he would be responsible for the helm – he would
then get three hours rest. The system worked well. Each lookout had ‘back up’
and support if required and could also rely on a crewmate to keep him supplied
with coffee and snacks. The system also ensured that you had two different crew
members with you during the course of your three hour watch so there was a
variety of company and conversation.
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