How do you eat an elephant? This seems to be the big
question for us at the moment. A boat that you want to fit out for cruising seems to
have multiple aspects. There are the obvious issues about hull, deck, keel,
rudder, sails and mast – is she sound how will she behave – but then other
thoughts crowd in – are the seacocks safe? What about the hoses and clips? Then, there is an engine and fuel system to be considered. What about the
electrics and electronics, and the sea toilet, and the plumbing for the galley,
and ropes and rigging, and the state of the woodwork and the gas pipes and connectors, the cooking and
heating systems ... and ... and... and.
This is all slightly stupid
- this is work we could have (should have) been getting on with while we were looking for the boat to buy and so there is an important lesson here for
anyone aspiring to get afloat cheaply – don’t spend your time kicking your
heals and dreaming – be practical and prepare, read, make notes and get your stuff together to takle the jobs.
exactly do you eat an elephant?
bite at a time!
Now having found the boat, lack of preparation, may cost me
time or money. I should have known of course – as a teacher (where I started my
working career) it was drilled into me that preparation and planning were the
keys to successful learning. Now, idiot that I am, I am having to re-learn that
essential truth all over again. As a kind of academic, my first recourse is to
books – and they all seem to say the same thing – preparation is the key.
So, before the first bite of the elephant I need to plan
carefully and try to sequence the work – some things need to be done before
other things, some things can’t be done until other things have been completed
– but what are these things?
AND even before all that, I have to find somewhere to put the boat. I could put her in my garden. There are obvious
advantages here. She would be close to water and power, there would be no
charges and she’d be close by. Not everyone finds a boat on a trailer attractive
however, and the neighbours might find a long stay unreasonable. A boatyard on
the other hand would be an expense I could do without. Well in the end this is
what I have opted for, partly out of concern for the neighbours but mainly
because I feel I need boating people around me. I’m not confident enough to
heroically go it alone. I’m hoping that the casual but expert advice available
in the yard may help offset costs by speeding the work and helping me to get
jobs right first time around. There may also be some tasks I really don’t want
to take on, in which case the boat will be better located in the yard than at
home. Finally, when ready, the boat can be launched directly from the yard – so
no further road transport required – might even be able to sell the trailer.
Also, as a kind of bonus for me, M
Seccourdan speaks no English whatsoever, so that should help my French
enormously. Must make a note – first acquisition needs to be a yachtsman’s
French / English Dictionary – Puis je peux commencer a manger cette elephant, morceau par morceau!
Ah - found one!
Yachtsman's Eight Language DictionaryAh - found one!